Hello Hello!!!!!
So last week I waved farewell to Taiwan after spending 3 months working on my project over there!!! I made it back to the UK in time for the AMAZING Royal Wedding and have been mainly sleeping off the exhaustion of recent events and doing 'British Things' since my return...by that I mean I have been doing stuff like eating beans on toast, cooking indoor BBQ's as a result of the rain, going to the beach, baking cakes and watching a whole lot of 'Jersey Shore' with my cat Tango! Then it's back to cracking on with my current projects as of the end of this glorious Bank Holiday weekend!

In a few days I will show you the results of my new series of work created in Taiwan so hold your horses for that....
In the mean time a quick round up of how my final few days in Taipei rolled....
There was plenty of scrumptious dinner dates and farewell extravaganzas in the mix....lots of last minute shopping and 'situations'...gossip sessions with Sharon and Ann, Oolong Tea ice cream, ordering too much food, packing dramas, laugh crashing by people who look like they should be on MTV....
On my final day in Taiwan Winnie, who I met during my project at 'Growth Lily', kindly took me to the 'Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines' as well as up into the beautiful mountains of Yangmingshan National Park for milk tea and strawberry waffles! Oohhh and as I was leaving I got the BEST PRESENT EVER from John and Yili, a lovely couple who live at Dream Community...A HELLO KITTY PANCAKE PAN?!!?!?!?!?AMAZZZZIING!!! I'm soooo excited to use it this week!!!

And now I come to the end of my exciting Taiwan chapter!!! Well....there's still my project to be unleashed but, no more tales of Asian antics and the likes....
Anyway....off for a bit of Earl Gray!!!
Love Emma xxxx
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