YIKES....time has TOTALLY flown! I can't actually believe that I've been here in magical Korea for 2 months already! Seems only 5 minutes ago that I was seizing the final opportunity to stock up on Cadbury's at the airport and buying a last Boots Meal Deal! At the same time I feel as though things have been so action packed here that it's almost as though I've lived here for an eternity! Everything has continued to be super busy...when I'm not working, I'm taking advantage of every precious second that I have here in glorious Korea and trying to see and experience as much as I physically can! Korea amazes me every single day and I still have to pinch myself to believe that I am actually living here in GLORIOUS Seoul and surrounded by so much phantasmagorically awesome inspiration every day!
So I guess the settling in process is something that takes a while...I'm still grasping the finer details of things like operating my toaster oven in Korean...collecting points cards for supermarkets...buying potting compost instead of accidental bags of horse manure etc...!!!
My apartment is starting to feel like home...especially now that I have a windowsill full of plants (namely basil plants as I made the mistake of planting the whole packet of seeds at once instead of staggering the crops!)...and I also have some pets... 3 teeny, tiny baby fish who I have named; Britney, Liberace and Puffycakes...they have their own little tropical rainbow paradise complete with palm trees!
In other news I will be starting my super hardcore Korean classes in a couple of weeks so hopefully it wont be long until I can unleash a bit of lingo which will make life sooo much easier!

The past few weeks have been a total whirlwind...it's been awesome to catch up and hang out with old friends and meet lots of new people and talented souls whilst taking in the abundance of amazing exhibitions and creative events that Seoul has going on as well as visiting a bunch of new places....I'm also doing a load of new research and getting involved in the skillzzzzzz of Korean embroidery and quilting! A lot has been happening recently...many a scenario...so I'll sum it up in a nutshell otherwise we could be here a while.......

So all in all you get the idea....next time I will be more organized and update more often rather than this bombardment of info and snaps!!!!!!
Got a few fashion orientated updates which I will save for my next post...so for now I will leave you with a few photos from recent jaunts and adventures!!!!
Love and Sparkles,
Emma xxx

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