Oohh iyya!
So, being summer and all, a picnic was on the cards....I clocked onto some "burger" cupcakes recently, whilst indulging in a google-a-thon, so thought I would attempt to churn some of these bad-boys out....
As you can see, they didn't quite go to plan! What a mess....I thought I could execute these with panache instead they looked SICK. As if happened, it pissed it down with rain and the picnic was cancelled....they did taste GOURMET though!

In other news....I went to Edinburgh which was lovely! It had been years since I'd rocked some Scottish delights, so it was fun! I was especially excited that the National Gallery up there hosts my FAVOURITE ever painting in the world....Rubens' 'Feast of Herod'...I first spotted it when I was 16 on a school trip and Rubens has been my favourite artist since!

Also to report...I jumped for joy when I finally found Rainbow Tapioca Pearls in the shop!!! That means I can make my very own Bubble Tea!!Wooo! I'd like to add, it is a bit of a chore....so I might just whack the kettle on for a Tetleys in future!
Love and Sago Pudding!
cant believe your making your own bubble tea now!! maybe ill actually like yours!
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