Imagine my squeals of delight this morning when a beautiful package full of amazing Lime Crime lipsticks appeared on my doorstep!!!Eeek so excited!
The lovely Doe Deere sent me an extra special gift all the way from New York of her scrumptious, high colour lipsticks all wrapped up in twinkly star paper! So you already know all about my eternal love for this utterly gourmet make-up brand as I wrote about it a couple of weeks ago! But, now I have finally had the chance to give the lipsticks a try and test! They totally get the thumbs up from me!

The lovely Doe Deere, Audrey Kitching and Raquel Reed pictured above (photographed by Steve Prue and Redrum) are rocking the three delightful colours that I shall be sporting this upcoming festive season and beyond!!!
'Airbourne Unicorn'-a divine candy coloured purple.
'My Beautiful Rocket'-a totally tropical juicy, tango orange.
'No She Didn't'-an intense pigment icey, bubblegum blue-tipped as "Smur-fily Spectacular" by Nylon Mag!

It's always a tricky task finding super hot colours that are so opaque, I've battled with this over the years and always when I find the perfect colour it applies all wishy-washy...however....with these beauties it's a different story! They colours are amazing and last for a long time....I did various tests including smoking a cigarette or two....a couple of cups of tea etc! Woo I love them so much, I can't wait for the glitter party times!!!
You can buy these corkers online as well as the equally incredible 'Magic Dusts' for your eyes and Lime Crime ships all around the world!!! woop!
A zillion cupcakes and thanks to Limecrime and Doe Deere for winging such a magical parcel my way!!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!
Love and Blue Kisses,
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