Guten Tag and Happy Easter AKA Frohe Ostern!!!
Last week I trotted back to Vienna to base myself within my new studio where I shall be working from for the next 6 months!wooo! My arrival didn't go as planned....I had a weird feeling something was going to go wrong and sure enough...ALL of my luggage went AWOL en route to Austria! I couldn't believe it, I thought I was going to be sick...I was most concerned that a) all of my work equipment was in there and b)my make-up was also MIA....I had to haggle for a complimentary pack which, contained a T-shirt, toothbrush etc...Luckily my bags eventually turned up the next day...but it was a day of doom!
So anyway, first thought I would whack out Diesel's 'A Hundred Lovers' video featuring the new single from Josep Xorto...a few weeks ago I mentioned I was working in the wardrobe department for the interactive film that was accompanying their 'BE STUPID' campaign alongside Alexis who was styling the whole extravaganza...
It rolled like this.....

That's the round up to that chapter of delights!
And here I am, back in Vienna AKA Whirlers...woooeee!!! The past 3 months I have been working on a big project in which I am currently creative director of a contemporary fashion exhibition which will open in the Freiraum International Gallery in the Museums Quartier in June. The exhibition will feature an array of juicy designers based in the UK as well as talent from complimenting fields including; illustration, photography, fashion film, animation, styling and technical craft! So right now it's full stream ahead working on this exciting avenue alongside curator Polona Dolzan ...fun times ahead! Alongside this, the exhibition will feature my special showcase collection so there is plenty of sewing, bejewelling, dyeing, knitting and co going on 24/7 in the studio of dreams!!!

The past few days have been pretty consumed with work and settling in etc...so I don't have any spectacular photos of princess palaces and the likes....however...my excitement over foreign supermarkets never grows old...so here are some pictures of the contents of my fridge and stuff....
Love and Strudel,
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