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Hello from Taiwan!
So since finishing the first set of workshops I've been cracking on with a bit of research and seeing what Taipei is all about which has been sooo much fun! I think I've mastered the public transport system...although all these bus routes are kind of tricky! Anyway...I've been all over the place...from a zillion temples, to an awesome shopping plaza totally dedicated to Japanese fashion, some really cool backstreet shops that sell a whole load of shiny, gold, religious stuff... and eaten allsorts of yummy veggie stuff from taro pizza to potato salad with multi-coloured cake sprinkles on, blue sushi, a billion varieties of tofu, crab apples on a stick and 20p sweet potato ice cream!!! I also went to Danshui which is north of the city and I can only describe it as a mix between Blackpool and Donau-Insel...loads of shops selling inflatable Spongebob Squarepants, toffee apples, boats, a bit of a promenade and a bit of happy hardcore churning out of the numerous games arcades! That was pretty awesome and there was a really weird shop selling sick but hot cat handbags...and then a man got his bike entangled in my bag and killed the pinnacle shopping moment as I wasn't impressed!
Anyway, I took a million here are a select few!!!
Love Emma xxx

Yo Yo Yo from Taiwan....
So after a totally juicy day off spent temple hopping, lantern spying and avoiding weirdos after wandering into a dubious area I was excited when I got back to the studio tonight to see the new, extra special 50th issue of Notion Magazine ready for action on it's online portal! The spectacular Aaron Francis Walker wrote a glorious piece all about my recent 'Colourful Creatures are often Poisonous' collection. It features the images taken as part of my collaboration in Tokyo with photographer Yuji Watanabe during my artist residency at the Mino Paper Art Village Project! Wahhh I love this piece and I'm loving the 50th issue complete with Jessie J on the cover and allsorts of magical content! Thankssss dudes!!!!
In other news I had pre-packed HELLO KITTY jam sandwiches for thing EVER!!!
Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing the magazine in all it's printed, glossy glory when I get back to the UK... (my non existent Chinese lingo doesn't branch far enough to find a special magazine shop in Taiwan...) But anyway...go and buy it....or if you can also check out page 20-21 on the online edition HERE!!!
Anyway, I'm off to wash my hair...
Love and Doritos,
Emma xxx