Hello from Taiwan!
So since finishing the first set of workshops I've been cracking on with a bit of research and seeing what Taipei is all about which has been sooo much fun! I think I've mastered the public transport system...although all these bus routes are kind of tricky! Anyway...I've been all over the place...from a zillion temples, to an awesome shopping plaza totally dedicated to Japanese fashion, some really cool backstreet shops that sell a whole load of shiny, gold, religious stuff... and eaten allsorts of yummy veggie stuff from taro pizza to potato salad with multi-coloured cake sprinkles on, blue sushi, a billion varieties of tofu, crab apples on a stick and 20p sweet potato ice cream!!! I also went to Danshui which is north of the city and I can only describe it as a mix between Blackpool and Donau-Insel...loads of shops selling inflatable Spongebob Squarepants, toffee apples, boats, a bit of a promenade and a bit of happy hardcore churning out of the numerous games arcades! That was pretty awesome and there was a really weird shop selling sick but hot cat handbags...and then a man got his bike entangled in my bag and killed the pinnacle shopping moment as I wasn't impressed!
Anyway, I took a million pictures...so here are a select few!!!
Love Emma xxx

1 comment:
I love bread and snadwiches ;-)!!
love the post emma! As usual most jealous of your travellings!
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