So.....now I can unleash that I have also been working on another very exciting special project!!!!oooooh always hiding beauties up my sequined sleeve!!!
(well not quite sequined today as I am wearing a fetching ensemble of a denim shirt and a pair of panda print pajama bottoms.....mmmm hot...hello boys!)
So anyway.....I recently hopped on board with a very exciting project called "Pretty Taxing"...go and check it out....http://www.prettytaxing.com..... I was commissioned to create some artwork for my very own exclusive tax disc holder for their "Fashion Collection" series....eeek how exciting is that?!!?LOVES IT!!!
Their previous collection titled "Artist's Editions" featured artwork from Sir Peter Blake (I have his lovely disc titled "Four" on my bedroom window so all of the buses going past can cop a good spy!!!) The amazing Sarah Lucas, Gary Hume and Gavin Turk amongst others!
Now "Pretty Taxing" has unveiled it's brand spanking new Fashion Collection including artwork from myself, David David, Pam Hogg, Stuart Semple and Natasha Law....
Mine is titled "Benidorm".....nice!get the pina coladas at the ready guys!
They are available to buy online as of NOW.....specially introductory price of only a tenner....what are you waiting for??? You can stick it in your car....on your bedroom window....or have it sitting looking all shiny on your desk in it's special BRIGHT PINK CD CASE STYLEEEE PRESENTATION WALLET!!!OOOOO TROPICAL!!!!
Love and Happy Shopping,