Evening All!!!
Thought I would show you a bit of press from French magazine, Dirrty Glam....
My holographic yellow Lederhosen skirt was used in a shoot by Nicole Maria Winkler...which is awesome!
It's nice to see my work in black and white also, as that's a first for me!
Really love this shoot...and you can check out her other lovely photography at www.nicolemariawinkler.com
Oooh also while I'm here....here is a cheeky bit from when DazedDigital covered my SS09 London Fashion Week show.....
Here you go, feast your eyes...

Seeing as I'm killing a zillion birds with one stone....can I also just add.....Still on the look out for fashion interns over in beautiful Vienna...it promises to be lots of fun and there's lots of exciting projects on the horizon that would love your helping hands!! email: info@emma-bell.com
ANDDDD......once again....I'm going to slip in another blatant plug about my entry for the wonderful British Airways Great Britons project! RATE ME UP.....pleaseeee!!And I will love you forever! It takes 2 seconds....I promise and I will be eternally grateful for your support!
This is the link.....please check it out and hit the magical stars!!!!
Ok....that's toodlepips from me!
Love and Lemon Meringue
Emma xxxx
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