Oohhh hello there!!!
Just swinging on by to share with you some truly scrumptious bits and pieces from this week!!!
Muchos gracias for all of the lovely write-ups and thoughts on Spring Summer 10 guys!LOVE THEM!!!
You can have a squizz at the ever so tropical JoBot's mystical musings for 'BangBangBerlin' by clicking HERE!!!
OOOH and you can check out what Fashion and Arts hot spot 'Prendas Publicas' had to say on my latest collection, in Spanish, by clicking HERE!!!
Get a bit of Google translate in the mix!!

'Kingdom of Style' is one of my favourite blogs that I love to keep an eye on and read...so I was super chuffed at the lovely things they had to say!!woooeee!!!
You can have a peep at this bad boy by clicking HERE!!!
oOOOOOOOHHHHH and last but not least....LOVE this feature on the awesome platform that is 'IM//UR'....check it out HERE!!!
Ok...so there you are...just like to keep you in the loop 'innit!!!
Have a mega juicy weekend!!!
Love and Jellytots!
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