Helllloooo from Slovenia!!!!!
I finally arrived!!!! After 3 frantic flights, 4 countries and an Olympic style airport sprint, I eventually arrived in the magicalllll city of Maribor where I will be based throughout the upcoming weeks working as artist in residence with the Guestroom Maribor programme at Pekarna Magdalenske Mreže... I'm soooo excited to be here and it's been great to finally meet the lovely team who are running the project as well as my fellow artist in residence, Jérôme Souillot from France!!!
Since arriving I've mainly been checking out the city ready for the hardcore sewing to begin!!! I LOVE IT!!!It's super pretty with a glorioussss river and a cake shop about every 5 yards!!! We took a tour and got a chance to check out the gallery where we will be setting up studio and eventually exhibiting our work!!! So basically the past couple of days I have been getting to grips with the city, trying to read the complicated lingo and starting to prepare my projects....today we visited the old, industrial area to check out an awesome textile factory which of course was followed with the best ever cake filled with rum punch!!! AMAZING!!! I've settled into a lovely apartment, the colour of a juicy tangerine, just a stones throw away from the town centre and I can't wait to see more of the city and get the chance to work with local creatives!
As I mentioned, Maribor is currently celebrating it's place as European Capital of Culture 2012, which means there are events, activities, exhibitions and allsorts going on constantly, so it's a perfect time to be here and see what's going on! Tonight we rounded off the day at the opening of the Jan Fabre exhibition at Umetnostna Galerija Maribor...
Right, with that I shall leave you with a few photos as bed is calling!!!
Love and Sparkles,
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