So the past few weeks have been amazing and I have enjoyed enough magical and unforgettable memories to last me a lifetime and a half.... woaaahhh cheesy!!! As you know (because I've talked about it wayyy too much!) I've spent the past few weeks working in Slovenia living as a faux-Mariborian... doing things such as sewing in a creepy yet amazing 16th century ancient gallery with ghosts....posing as a pretend professional gingerbread maker....sampling every cake on offer....having a near death experience with a wayward umbrella....and too many antics to mention....
My reasons for being in this lovely city were to carry out my projects as part of my artist residency which was something I had been working in preparation for, for several months prior to touching down in Magical finally it is awesome to see it all come together! One aspect of my work there was the development of the pieces for my collection which is titled 'The Hives of Lepi Spomini'- Lepi Spomini is a Slovene phrase that translates as 'nice memories' if you click HERE this will take you to the project text on my website which basically gives the full low down of the concept, influences and all of the info about my new series of works- as it's a bit too long to pop onto the blog! So please check it out!!!

So that's the deal with my latest works... and of course there was the exhibition that opened last week in which I was presenting my work alongside awesomeeeee visual artist, Jérôme's been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G to be able to work alongside Jérôme for this past few weeks as he's super talented and also finds things like musical lollypops funny....

I was sad to wave farewell to Slovenia a couple of days ago as the whole thing was so much fun and offered so much food for thought for my upcoming projects.... I still have a zillion photos from my final days there so I shall savour those for another post!!! HUGE HUGE thanks to all of the team at Guestroom Maribor and for the wonderful support of the project partners.... super duper thanks to Jérôme for the ongoing entertainment and special memories involving burnt toast etc.... Massive thanks to Iris and the photoshoot team, Katra and all of the lovely people that helped make my time there so great!!! image credits for the photoshoot:
Photographer: Iris Aman Cara.
Make Up Artist: Mateja Skočir.
Hair Stylist: Luis Roldan.
Models: Urška Lipovž & Tanja Popovič.
Right with that....I'm off the watch the Queen's Jubilee concert....
Love and Sparkles,
Emma xxx
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