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Afternoon twinkletoes!!!
Jeepers....It is so cold and I am turning into a snowman. However, I went for a lovely lunch today so that has set me up for a hardcore work session to the sounds of the Dirty Dancing soundtrack! Only I do not have Hungry Eyes because I ate a lot of Halloumi!
Anyway, I just got the PDFs from my interview in Die Presse which is one of the largest and oldest daily Austrian newspapers running since the 1940's. Wowzers! Awaiting the nice juicy real copies which I can't wait to see!
Ok..bit of a backtrack this is old, old,old news but I realised I haven't posted this before...anyway, this is a nice little piece on Style Bubble from forever ago featuring my Buffet Dress! I LOVE Susie's I super appreciate this little mention!
Love and Toodlepipsssssss!!!Emma xxxxxxx
OOOOH iyaaa!
Just a quick one as I am on a roll with the sewing machine and also lunchtime is calling....but, thought I would show you this little sneak peak from a shoot by photographer Michele Pauty preparation for the wonderful 10 Festival which represents fashion and photography my garments were used in a photoshoot! I can't show you the images as they are top secret but here is a little sample at what went down at Michele's new studio! See the lovely Alex above sporting a piece from my SS10 Collection.

In other news my overseas antics meant that I was not in London for the comeback of 'Circus'....I was sobbing into my pillow!!!
I wish I could have been there...but, I wasn't, I was eating strudel and being all Viennese instead! But my jacket was there in my place worn by the lovely Jodie's like I was mystically there in fabric form...woo spooky!
Ok...that's all folks!
Love and Thermal Socks,
Hello Hello Hello!!!! So this little update comes as a juicy double whammy! Not only is electropop sensation, Annie, (who I am HUGE fan of) wearing a bit of Emma is ALSO featured on the cover of issue 42 of Notion! She is awesome so I was super happy to see her sporting the quilted blue playsuit from my SS09 collection! Also featured in the shoot is my pearlescent pink bomber jacket in all it's twinkly, unicorn glory!
And as ever, this issue of Notion is looking HOTTT! So get yourself down to WHSmiths and the likes and bag yourself a copy!
Go check out her stuff HERE!!!Love and TIME TO DYE MY HAIR!!!
Emma xxx
This was an update that could not be missed! In keeping with my obsession with energy products, this week I experienced a whole new revolution...
Remember when we discovered the energy strips, 24/7? Well, words can not describe my excitement when I caught onto a whole new genre....powder form!
This week I was given Blue Elph to try out!!!
It all looks kind of suspicious, capsules and a tube all wrapped in a shiny sugar sachet type packet!
What a find-essentially guarana and caffeine infused sherbert but I like the novelty factor!!!!
Check out their website:
Love and Blue Elph!
Emma xxxx
Guten Tag!!!!
Brrrrrrrrrrr it's chilly...but, I have some nice, new, sick 'fleece wear' to stop me from getting chilblains...(I don't 100% even know what chilblains are...I just remember a boy at school called Alan always complained of them so he never had to do P.E!)
I finally had the chance to meet up with the lovely Claudia, Fashion Editor of the super-glossy, amazing Indie magazine!!!
With international circulation, it is produced here in Vienna and it's a really nice magazine-all shiny and action packed with hot fashion shizzle and the you should go buy a copy wherever in the world you may be!
This issue was celebrating all things British with features on a handfull of juicy designers and creatives back in the UK....
I did an interview with them on the eve of my "Austrian Flirtation" ,as it has been it was nice to finally get a hold of a copy and meet Claudia from the team!!!
You can check out my feature in issue 24-The Autumn Edition!
Love and Indie Magazineeeeeeee
Emma xxxx
Gruss Gott...(that's what they say here....for 6 weeks I've thought people are shouting "BISCUIT" at me!!!)
Would you believe, here in Whirlers's SNOWING!!!I'm here with a super limited wardrobe...and I am FREEZING!
Anyway...I was excited that my work was featured on the front cover of "Falter" which is one of the hottest weekly publications here in Vienna! Wooo! You can see it above there!
In other may or may not have noticed that my website has received a much needed revamp recently.....all by the wonderful skills of Will Adams...
You can check his shizzle too by CLICKING HERE!!!
It's still in the process of being updated but you can go and see all previous collections etc on there! GO AND HAVE A LOOK
Love and DINNERTIME!!!
Emma xxxxxx

Oooooohhh iyyyya!
The Sunday Times presented "Style in the City" in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago! Last year's event saw 10,000 people flocking to the city to get in on the fashion action!! Wowzers!
This year visitors could get involved in a string of fashion and beauty events and it was hosted by celebs including Myleene Klass and Emma Willis!(I love Myleene...I still have my Hear Say album!)
Catwalk shows...make-up treatments.....oooh WHAT A TREAT! Sponsors included; MAC, Selfridges, Harvey Nichols, M&S....a real JUICY selection!
My clothes were shown as part of the catwalk shows! How exciting!You can see a sneak peek picture above!
Love and Biscuits