Gruss Gott...(that's what they say here....for 6 weeks I've thought people are shouting "BISCUIT" at me!!!)
Would you believe, here in Whirlers Central...it's SNOWING!!!I'm here with a super limited wardrobe...and I am FREEZING!
Anyway...I was excited that my work was featured on the front cover of "Falter" which is one of the hottest weekly publications here in Vienna! Wooo! You can see it above there!
In other news....you may or may not have noticed that my website has received a much needed revamp recently.....all by the wonderful skills of Will Adams...
You can check his shizzle too by CLICKING HERE!!!
It's still in the process of being updated but you can go and see all previous collections etc on there! GO AND HAVE A LOOK www.emma-bell.com
Love and DINNERTIME!!!
Emma xxxxxx
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