Oooh helloooo!
Ok so just a quick one...I just got back to Vienna from a trip to Slovakia! I have my friend Hayley visiting and we went to Bratislava...it was awesome and now I'm super sleepy...but just wanted to show you these pics and tell you the tale of last week's events!
Last weekend saw me hosting my first WHIRLERS style house gathering....more civilised from previous soirées as no cans of K Cider were involved...
Then on Saturday we went along to the extravaganza that was 'Lange Nacht Der Museen'.....in which a squillion galleries all over the city were open for a late night special!
Sooo much fun! We were a bit too over ambitious....we planned to hit all the weird ones with our pass that we wouldnt otherwise go to....
We wanted to go to the funeral museum...the chocolate musuem....the abortion museum.....the schnapps musuem.....yes a lot.
However I spent too much time moaning about searching for Topfenstrudel (my new favourite variety) so eventually we managed to visit:
- The Torture Museum
- The Marzipan Museum
- The Albertina

Ok, so we were on a tight schedule...and most of our original plans had to be scrapped....we were passing the Albertina so went in to check out the "Body and Language" exhibit which features an awesome collection of contemporary photography from people including Erwin Wurm and Helmut Newton....Word on the street is there are some Rubens lurking about upstairs....I would have LOVED to go and see them...but I'll have to save them for my next visit as the MARZIPAN MUSEUM was calling!

Yes Please....the Demel Marzipan Museum was last on our hit list....and we totally saved the best till last....Marzipan is one of my FAVOURITE THINGS EVER....so I was in mega-awe at the spectacular creations made of MARZIPAN!Love it!
Wish we had more time as it was a race against the clock to see everything we wanted to...and Ideally I would have liked to go to 80 musuems....
Bedtime is calling...and a new copy of 'Take a Break' arrived for me here in Whirlers yesterday from the UK...so I'm off to indulge in some shit real life drama!
Love and Marzipan
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