My special housemate, Miss Alexis Knox, returned from an exoticcco trip to Barcelona from where she unleashed our sparkling "Under The Stairs..." photoshoot as featured in Notion Magazine's "Hipster's Handbook" at the trade show "Bread and Butter"....I was in anticipation of my promised, Spanish-tastic, gift and JEEEEEZZZZ.....I was not disappointed at what was found lurking in the classy Airport carrier bag she was grasping in her sun kissed mitts.....YES, it was indeed a Spanish Senorita soft toy...complete with actual BOOBS...!!!it looked more like it had come from a souvenir shop in Benidorm so I think she may have secretly squeezed in a super sophisticated trip in the dead of night!!!!
I love my prezzie so much it has been allowed a special, prime spot on my "Shelves of Inspiration" in my bedroom sitting (or should I say Flamenco dancing!!!) beside my other sentimental trinkets and treasures....including my Whitby Lucky Duck that my parents sent me, Cornelius the money pig from Shanghai that I haggled like a bitch for...my Russian Dollies and Pauline The Prosperous Owl from Rajasthan that I was majorly ripped off for...
I love my present so much (thanks to infinity Alexis!) I'm going to call her Gertrude, although that doesn't sound very Spanish.....
Love and Sangria,
Emma xxxx

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