Friday 17 January 2014

New Exhibition at Incheon Art Platform!

Hiya/ 안녕하세요!!!!
Just a quick one to share some news about a new exhibition, featuring my work, that opened in S.Korea yesterday!!! The show, '2013 Platform Artists - Final Report by 2013 Resident Artists of Incheon Art Platform', will be running 16th January 2014~23rd February 2014 and showcases the projects carried out by all of the artists in residence that participated in IAP's international programmes throughout the past year.
The show presents the work of 42 artists/ 32 groups from 11 countries who participated in both the Incheon Art Platform Residency and the Baengnyeong-do Peace Arts Project during 2013 and the exhibition includes the fields of; performance, visual arts, interactive installation, digital media, literature & criticism, painting and photography. The overall concept of the residency programme, which is an initiative operated by IAP and the Incheon Foundation for Arts and Culture, is to support and facilitate both Korean and International contemporary artists in a creative exploration focused on a response to the City of Incheon and its characteristics. 
As I've spoken about before, my particular project was based around Korea's most Northwestern island, Baengnyeongdo, and I was the first overseas artist to participate in this programme when it  launched in March 2013~ which was a really exciting experience and allowed for a really inspiring chapter of work. The work that I am contributing to the current exhibition is from my series, 'Tales from Blue Truck Island' that I produced both during and post residency with IAP. 
The exhibition will be running in venues A. B & H at Incheon Art Platform until 23rd February so for those of you in Seoul/ Incheon feel free to pop along and check out the show~
It's open daily 10am-5pm (closed Mondays) and you can access IAP via public transport ( Incheon Station- Subway line 1 or Buses 15, 28, 720 to Jung-gu District Office).
*Incheon Art Platform, 218-3 Jemullyang-ro, Jung-gu, Incheon, 400-201, S.KOREA.
Hope you get the chance to check it out if you are in town!!!
Love and Sparkles,
Emma xx