Afternoon tofu-pops!!! Ok, so now you have a chance to win a chance to see my catwalk show at London Fashion Week this season!!! We have a few pairs of tickets to give away to you lucky lucky lucky people!!wooooo!!! Note that you are only winning the actual if you are coming from Delhi or up the have to find your own way here!!! The show is on Friday the 19th Septmember at Vauxhall Fashion Scout and starts at there or be square! Go to and go to my blog there and leave a special comment as to why you think you should win the golden tickets!!!! Good Luck!!! Emma xxx
Evening Jelly Tots!! Oooh well that the cat is out of the bag and the relevant press releases have been unleashed, I guess it's time that I finally unveil the reasons for my sleepless nights....and being a hermit...AND stress generated chest pains.... Yes...I am doing a show at London Fashion Week this season! If I had a pound for all of the times that people have, errr not so subtly, hounded me for the answer as to whether or not I am doing a show this season over the past few months...I would be so rich I would buy you all a one of those sick but fit clown necklaces from the Argos Catalogue....I will give some of these guys credit for the lengths they went to, to try squeeze it out of me...but UNLUCKY!!!!!Come on now guys,I'm not stupid...Check my roots!(and they're actually pretty bad right now as I don't have time to tend to them!)...and no I will NEVER spill the beans if I've had too many gin and tonics!AND I could give anyone a run for their money in the gossip I know all the tricks!!! So anyway, back to the point...yep...Im doing my stand alone show on the 19th September...YES PLEASE!Very exciting!!!woooo!!! Anyone from the industry or press can request tickets by contacting Love and SHOWTIME!! EMMA XXXX
Ooooohhh going anywhere nice on your holidays?!?!!? I decided to toss away the tailor's sheers this week and get the kitchen scissors out to chop Adam's mop!!He loved it....Now he looks like he has just stepped out of a salon!!!I am very impressed with the results if I do say so myself!!!He looks FIT...and look how gloriously shiny it a mirror....oooh GLOSSYYYY!!!! You can spy on him above with his friend Sarah the Geisha (yep...she loved it too, she tried to seduce him by playing a magical harpsichord in his ear!!!) Errr so yeah...I like to think that I am a hairdresser now....but, maybe Ill stick to cutting fabric instead!!! Also a party went down in aid of James' never-ending birthday....Alexis knows how to put on a good spread!!!BUFFET-A-RAMA!!! Love and SNIP SNIPSSS Emma xxxx
GUTENTAGGGGIIIIOOO!!! So, following my special present that was handcrafted for James...they now all want one!!!Don't want people getting jealous over my magical gifts, it's select and exclusivo Prince Rael was the lucky receiver of such a GOURMET gift for his belated birthday...this is because he is really special and there is actually only one MYSTICAL, TROPICAL, MAGNILOQUENT MONGOLIAN entity such as this young chap!...this one is not some weird,sick creature such as the Golden Rumped Elephant's actually a one of moi!!ha ha ha...but, he loved it so much he wet his pants...almost.... He also made this video extravaganza!!! Love and Sewing Machines!!! Emma xxx
HELLO MYSTICAL CREATURES!!! This weekend was my housemate James' birthday!!!He has a weird fixation with the "Golden Rumped Elephant Shrew"...ermmm it's all very special! I whipped out some handy-craft action and made a super gourmet,one-of a kind replica of such an animal....only its made from metallic and holographic fabric....not only that...this is actually a storytelling golden rumped elephant shrew as it has an extra special fairytale written by moi in its special heart pocket!!! I like presents, especially handmade send them my way! Love and Wild Animals Emma xxx
Evening Popsicles!!! oooooooooooohhhh EGG-A-RAMA Drama!!EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION fried egg necklace!YES PLEASE!!!OOh Poached or Fried or On the side?!?! Three beautiful hand-crocheted fried eggs on a mystical, sparkly gold ribbon of dreams!!! Grab yourself an Emma Bell original corker for a beaut of a bargain of £12...and I'll throw in postage for free!!! Available INTERNATIONALLY so whether you're in Timbuktu, Bolivia or up the road you can get your juicy hands on this phantasmagorical necklace of delights?!!?!? TROT ALONG TO and get yours NOW before they're all gone!!! Love and Frying Pans! Emma xxxx
Wooo ROLL UP!!!SUPER LIMITED EDITION Emma Bell...ROBES OF GLORY!!!Is it a dress?Is it a vest???Is it a goat???you decide!!!With an ultra TROPICAL palm tree design in vibrant Jungle-esque green and rustic gold to get you in the mood for some cheeky Sangria's in Benidorm!!!All lovingly hand-printed in the UK-hence the reason 'Nobody Is Perfect'...I'm not a each one is totally unique and features a JUICY hand-written comment pointing out their individual imperfections!!!errr "maybe I was drunk when I did that one"....!!!
Get your cheeky mitts on one of these beauties PRONTO as when they're gone they're gone and there are VERY limited amounts!!!Available in one size only in super-soft, stretch cotton jersey-recommended hand wash only, and non-iron!!!Shipped internationally, so whether you live in Outer Mongolia-up the road-or in a barn in can get yourself an Emma Bell original-For a mere £35 including posting and packing!!!! WHILE STOCKS LAST-YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE!!!! GO TO: Stay TROPICAL!!!! Emma xxxxxx
Afternoon Tropical Sunbeams!!! I was so excited today after a morning of hardcore sewing and a shortage of tea bags (I actually had to recycle a bag of chamomile as the thought of trotting out in the drizzly rain was just too much to fathom-what a skank!) to find that the amazing Polly Norton, a London based artist, has created an exquisite beaut of an Illustration of my work!!!It's a treat and I love love LOVE it!!! Check out the masterpiece of the lovely model Suki Sou wearing Emma Bell AW08!!!! Also take a peep at Polly work!!!!Here's her myspace!! Thanks to the max Miss Polly.....!!!!!!!!!!! Love and Disco Dancing!!! Emma xxxx
Howdy Pineapple Heads!!! I would like to say that I have a lot of hot, juicy gossip to report from last week....or some tales of being drunk in a gutter maybe...but the reality is that I don't!!The past week has been intense pattern cutting, sewing and fitting with a bit of veggie sushi shopping at the CO-OP thrown in!!!One bit of excitement was a big, bulging box of extra special fabrics arriving on the doorstep that I have been waiting in anticipation for....a clue...its sparkly and magical!!!So I cracked straight on with that!The rail for SS09 is turning into a plethora of treats so that makes me smile a lot!!!! Aside from that I have officially been a hermit for the past 2 party or glitter times (well that's a bit of a lie, as a day can not pass without there being some form of glitter being rubbed onto my eyes!!!)however, it's been a very productive week!!!It's always a good feeling when you can tick a few tasks off the list!!! Once again, despite being exhausted, I can't sleep because I want to finish off reading " The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho...which is amazing!!I recommend this beaut!!! Also this week I was enlightened on an amazing graphic designer and Illustrator called Arlene Rieneke....check out her's beautiful!!Take a look....I've fallen in love with it!!!
I've got a nice action packed week ahead of me which I am really lookingforward to: some wrestling of the sewing machine, a few interesting meetings,I'm trotting off to the countryside to indulge in getting messy doing some screenprinting for Spring/Summer 09...a visit from my lovely friend and fellow fashion bitch, Nicola, who is popping over from Madrid...yep, so that should keep me occupied! Also, next weekend is my housemate James' birthday...I might go all Betty Crocker and bake him a cake if he's lucky, then again,Ill see if I can be arsed!!!If I do, I might make a special apron for the occasion...then again....I might not!!! Also, my myspace is going crazy since the launch of my featured profile which is really cool...although I really can't keep up with all the action despite trying my hardest! Right, it's time to put the special, pink, heart fairy lights on and have some bedtime reading......ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Love and a Million Dancing Rapunzels, (I like Rapunzel...sometimes when my friend Richard walks past my house and I'm hanging out the window like a naughty, skanky teenager having a cigarette, he shouts for Rapunzel...I love it!) Emma xxxx
Good Evening Lollipops!!!! The extra special "Rainbow Delight" dress from my SS08 "Emma Bell for Irregular Choice" Collection is now available to buy both over the counter and ONLINE!!!I can hear you clapping your hands from here!!!!You can get yourself down to Shrinking AMAZZZING boutique in Bristol...or you can hop online to their store and you can buy internationally!! It's a really cute dress, with an apples , hearts and rainbow print, designed by me, all over and big , fat juicy buttons that look like sweets!!Yum!!! go and check out their website: Love and Happy Shopper!!(who remembers Happy Shopper in the corner shop?!yes please!!) Emma xxxx
Afternoon My little Potatoes!!!! Credit cards at the ready!!!There are now some super hot new Emma Bell styles available for your purchasing pleasure if you click click!!! You can get your mitts on the amazing food print knitwear as seen on the catwalk at London Fashion Week, in WAD Magazine Paris, and on cult TV show SKINS, as well as the cute "Tabard" top, Grandad Pants, Matchsticks jeans, the AMAZING spangly gold Pj and Duncan dress and The plastic-fantastic Potato Mac!!!Ooooh what an optical feast!!!! So trot on down for a peruse of the goodies and grab your sell some Bell-meister creations!!!! Love and Sunday Roasts!!!! Emma xxxx
Bonsoir Poooffy Cakes!!!!! I was enjoying a nice ride in the back of an old Addison Lee the other evening when I decided to indulge in a spot of reading of the free literature that they throw in for your viewing pleasure!!Imagine my delighted surprise when I spied my name in there!!The lovely Namalee has written a piece as the London Face about what floats her boat and the launch of her new single, 'Namazonia'! "I can't get enough of Cassette Playa's beautiful cartoon clothes and Emma Bell's padded shimmery dresses:they make you look like a My Little Pony robot!" Quote-a-rama! Wooooooo thanks!!!!I love it!!!!You can see it above! And check out Namalee's myspace: and my amazing assistant Katie got shat on was sick but a cheap laugh at the same time....we were concluding the gossip before we departed when some purple stuff fell from the there's a lot of blackberries around that neck of the, my theory is that the naughty birds were stealing them all and that's the reason that the shower of crap was was so bright it actually dyed strands of our hair...we had to shamefully attempt to remove it by the roadside with a slice of special paper from my High School Musical notebook!!!It's good luck to get shat on, so maybe I will win lots of competitions in "That's Life"!!! The pillows are calling me...(especially my one with the world map on!!) Love and Sleeping Beauties, Emmaxxxx
Hello Turkish Delights....yummy...especially the pistachio flavour...(That guy "Dollar", as previously discussed if you have been avidly perusing my blog...well he said that I looked 'Irish like a Leprechaun because you are a pistachio' the other day....the reason for this being that I was wearing a green cardigan...what a knob!) So anyway....I finally get round to scanning this bad boy in and giving it a mention...apologies for the crappy scanning but the page was just way too big and it was too much of an effort to wrestle with the boxes beside the scanner to make sure it looked decent...but anyway, you get the gist! So yes, my old Uni, Westminster recently whacked out their annual show at Graduate Fashion Week and of course I was there with bells on to see this year's creations and rising talent! I have to admit that I don't like the new GFW location at Earls Court....they desperately need new carpets and it all feels a bit rustic for my liking...give me Batterseaanyday...they even have an ice cream van where I can purchase my favourite Mint Feasts from and have nice grass to sit on whilst indulging in a picnic.... Anyway, this year I was given the honour of being interviewed, alongside other hot names like Christopher Bailey and Katie Hillier, for the Westminster magazine to accompany the show...It was juicy! My favourite showcases this year were Charlotte Kennedy and Caroline Roughly!!!Check them out! Over and Out.... Love and Bagels Emma xxxx
Evening Night-Owls! (Also, here's a little bit of enlightening trivia for you....the Nightowls was also a really amazing radio station back in the day in Newcastle...this dude called Alan Robson used to present had a ridiculous theme tune that I loved and there was always lots of scary ghost stories!!!) Anyway...check out my masterpiece of some creature called a Mongolian golden trunk monkey shrew that James had the honor of sporting...or something to that effect!
As you can see...I'm now an expert tattoo artist...or not!Word on the street is when you are learning the tricks of the trade, that you practice on pig's I will not be picking up a pig carcass as that would not be very vegetarian of I guess I shall just stick to liquid eyeliner and Johnson's Baby Powder! Love and Rock and Roll! Emma xxxx
Ho Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum!!! Imagine my SQUEALSSSSSSSS of delight when I spotted that I had a featured profile on myspace(yes please...only 2 weeks ago Paris Hilton also had a featured profile!loves it!AND Courtney Love has one right now too!) be fair, I knew it was brewing in the pipelines and my chum had already informed me that the word on the grapevine was that it was in ACTION ...but still, it was exciting, I almost wet my pants when I spotted it in all it's spangly glory!!!Check out my amazing print screen computer skills and you can see the ULTRA-TROPICAL, SUPER HOT model Rosie (, rocking a bit of Emma Bell at my show at London Fashion Week-it's on the right!!!Ooooooh what a TREAT!!!anyway, if you haven't checked out my myspace you can have a cheeky spy at Love and Rumbletums (yep, Rumbletums were a super delicious weird brand of yogurt ) Emma xxx
Hiyaaaaaaaa! We are looking for amazing interns to join our super hot team at Emma Bell world in 2 weeks time!!!! Tasks will include: Assisting Pattern Cutting and technical sewing. Textile embellishment. General Studio assistance. Liaising with my creative director and management on my current project which will include press related tasks, stuff...tra la la! Ok, so the time wasters please and YOU MUST BE LONDON BASED!!! You must be either a FASHION DESIGN STUDENT or graduate with pattern cutting and technical skills as we wont be dishing out lessons!!! Please note this is an UNPAID POSITION and in exchange you will gain experience and the chance to be involved in something special!!! You will be working in my studio which is located in EAST LONDON.
If you are interested please email your CV and a short blurb telling us about yourself...whether it be your favourite colour or dance-move....whatever, just so we get a good insight to who you are! Please email: ThankssssssTwinkletoes!!! Emma x
Good Afternoon crazy teapots!!! So, as you already know I chatted about a super hot, magical, stylistic visit from Joey Elgersma and the Amsterdam Clubkids a couple of weeks back! The encounter saw a collaboration between Emma Bell's collection and Joey Elgersma's styling talents, drinking glasses of pop in a hotel room way out west, then stepping into the unknown territory that is a spangly, polished club on the Kings Road dotted with girls who thought my simple H&M tights were like something from another planet?!hmmmm... So anyway, as are a few snaparoos from the said night courtesy of Joey and photographer Dennis Branko!!!! Peel your eyes for some viewing pleasure twinkletoes....
Moi and Joey! Love and Afternoon ChaiLatte's, Emma xxx
Good Evening?! Where to start with this past week...its been a hectic razzmatazz of shifting boxes, sweating in tropical climates on the sewing machine, pattern cutting galore,knitting and drinking chamomile tea...On Monday I moved into my new studio that I will be working in! It is GOURMET!!! Myself and my magical knit assistant extraordinaire made ourselves at home and we have now been joined by my other new intern Kathy, who just graduated from the same University that I did,Westminster!!!As they say "A rolling stone gathers no moss" so, it has been full steam ahead and the rail of glory is gradually becoming more juicy as an abundance of my SS09 pieces dance their way onto the hangers! So it's been a really exciting and very productive week!Check out the snap above of my new creative abode! I also have to mention my yummy dinner last night....persuaded by the horrid prospect of walking home in the rain wearing inappropriate footwear we decided to skip playing masterchef and go out for some tastebud-tastic (I really need to reign the cheesy lingo in...I sound like a right knob) cuisine....We had the most amazing crispy tofu with lemongrass, chilli and ginger and one of the best veggie pad-thai's I have ever got my chops around!YES PLEASE!!!! So after an exhausting week, I shun going out on a Friday evening and decide to stay at home indulging in some pajama and TV time...I also whipped up a quornLasagna which was quite a feast and could probably feed a small country for a month...anyway, I settle down watching "Shopgirl"...(only because Jason Schwartzman is in it and he is SUPER HOT, and my future husband... )to hear that some dickhead has parked up his car outside my window, cracked open the doors and rolled out some curbside disco....I'm quite the curtain twitcher so, I was straight there for a cheeky spy....and what do I witness??? Actually some chump, whacking out an actual AIRPUNCH as he chants "Techno" several times?!Where the hell do these jokers spring up from!? I could even smell their dirty kebabs lurking their way through my pancake-thin windows...nice.... Luckily, only yesterday, Katie presented me with a pair of brightly coloured earplugs.....You can have a look at them and be jealous...are you jealous???YEP, thought so...and you can also see how well they compliment my wool!!! Love and Midnight Feasts, Emma xxxx
British Fashion Designer & Visual Artist currently based in Seoul~South Korea. My work has showcased on the catwalk at London Fashion Week and Vienna Fashion Week alongside selected exhibitions and presentations internationally.
I have a background working as a Creative Consultant which involves projects ranging from exhibition curation to art direction, wardrobe to writing...Partners, collaborations,clients & various projects have included Irregular Choice, Vauxhall Motors, Soda Stream, Quartier21,Lambrini, British Embassy,Designers Against Aids, Notion Magazine and Helen Rochfort...
Awarded positions as Artist in Residence include Austria, Japan, Taiwan, Slovenia and South Korea.
Selected press publications include: Dazed & Confused, VICE, WAD Paris, ELLE Germany,Paper Magazine NYC,Cosmopolitan and Time Out.Additional media features include BBC,Radio MARÅ , FM4 Vienna, Channel 4 'SKINS' and ARTE:TRACKS Germany/France.