Tuesday 29 July 2008

Patsy Kensit Loves a Headpiece!!!

Golly Gosh...
It has been a very long, albeit VERY VERY productive day...the sewing machines and my magic fingers were on FIRE!!!!!SHEESH!
Thought I would give you the pleasure of feasting your eyes on a project that I recently worked on!!!
Yes...that is a headpiece of dreams handcrafted by Emma Bell's fair hands that you can see PATSY KENSIT rocking on the new Holby City advert on BBC1?!?! What do you make of that?!?! Oh yes, and not just the headpiece...I also got my mitts on the big ,feathered Vulture-esque cape that the chick with the long hair is sporting...
Have a look!!
How exciting!
Love and BBC action...
Emma xxx

Monday 28 July 2008

Catwalking like a TIGER...RRRRROARRR!!!

Evening Jubbly's
(yep, that is the cheap Iceland version of what was once called a Sunlolly...I prefer the Tropical and Blackcurrant varieties...although if all that is on offer in the freezer is orange, then I'm really not fussy!)
So on this roasting evening...where it's actually too noisy outside to crack the window..I discovered a new little video where you can cop a spy at my last catwalk show for London Fashion Week at Vauxhall Fashion Scout with Super Super magazine.....there's also an appearance by Samanda...love a bit of Big Brother action...yes please! It also features the collections by fellow designers Thomas Sels, Dharma Taylor and Scott Ramsey Kyle who showcased also!!!
So, get your chops around this bad boy and keep an eye out for my hot models sporting my AW08 collection!!!
Love and Exotic Temperatures,
Emma xxxx

Sunday 27 July 2008


Evening all.....
I actually slipped on a banana skin this evening...yes, it is the thing of comic books and "The Chuckle Brothers" but, it actually happened to me!!!Me and Alexis ended up on an impromptu mission around East London tonight...strolling around and OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH i nearly take a tumble after slipping in what I guessed was probably dog shit....but OH NO...upon closer inspection it was indeed an actual banana skin!I mean, come on now, who does this?! Bet it was someone thinking it was a cheap laugh to plant a slippy banana skin on the floor in hope that someone ended up in some kind of comedy sketch scenario!!!They were probably filming it for "You've Been Framed"! It was however hilarious...I enjoyed it supremely!!!Proper corker I tell you!!!
Ooohhh the cheeky little monkey!!!

Love and Potassium Filled Bananas,
Emma xxxx

Saturday 26 July 2008

Going Dutch...Like a Rabbit in a Hutch!!!

HALLO!!!(that's Dutch for Hello!)
I can also say....Zalige Paasdagen...that means "Happy Easter" FYI!!!
So earlier this week London was graced by Joey Elgersma and the Amsterdam Clubkids who jetted in from the Netherlands....and had the honor of getting involved and creating some rainbow coloured mayhem at the launch of a new night called Le Bisou at Raffles on the Kings Road...

Super stylist Joey Elgersma hit West London with myself, photographer Dennis Branko (www.dennisbranko.com) and his troop of the "Amsterdam Clubkids" where they created a super fit photoshoot meets party pandemonium in the actual club!!All wearing Emma Bell of course!Was so great to finally collaborate with Joey as we have been talking about it for about 2 years!Anyway everyone looked amazing and I'm incredibly excited to see the photographic treats!!!They are such a nice bunch of people with a real creative vision, so It was lovely to hang out with them!So watch this space for unleashment of some photos of what went down!!!
Een goede dag verder!(yep..that means "have a good day!")
Love and Schildpads (that's tortoise's!),
Emma xxx
check out their blog etc for all of their latest exploits and news...

Friday 25 July 2008


Ok so
just to let you in on my Facebook fan page?!?!Just for the record, I DID NOT set this up myself......contrary to belief!!!I might like to be a bit self indulgent at times (like when it comes to holidays and stuffsss)...but seriously, not this time! Either way I kind of like it...ha ha ha ha!!!
So here it is:
So yea
h....go and join...that would make me really happy!!!
Love and Cider timessss
Emma xxxx

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Australian Financial Review!!!

G'day!!!!!!arrrrrgggh cheesemeister!!! Another exciting bit of press that made it's way around the twinkly globe to me today...I was featured in the "Australian Financial Review" in their Life and Leisure supplement! That's a treat!!!I like to think that Carl Kennedy (yeah, I think he is hot!) and the rest of the Neighbours crew are sitting reading it, thinking "Hmmm wouldn't Toadie look fit in the Lederhosen!!!"...Ok, enough stereotyping...seriously, I really love this one, it's really exciting when it's something all those million miles away on the other side of the world!!eeeek!It's bizarre!!I love it,it's really amazing!!!
Check it out!!!!

Love and Lunchtime....
Emma xxx

Monday 21 July 2008


Heyyy Twinkletots!!!
Not only has www.emma-bell.com had a bit of a magnificent re-vamp....there's
also a
new addition...my links page!If you hit my links page...you will also be greeted by a special ANIMAL....GRRRRR!
There is also an in-progress list of links on there that take you to where you can buy my slinky threads....INTERNATIONALLY!!!So whether you live next door to me, the plains of Mongolia or on the beach in Magaluf sipping a cocktail, you can whip in your orders and see them winging their way, in all of their rainbow-esque, shindig-a-rama glory to your door!
So pirouette your way to www.emma-bell.com and check out the latest
updates...credit cards at the ready!!!
Love and Potatoes,
Emma xxxx

Rummage My Achives....

Evening All...my little tropical peaches!!! (also check out that little squirrel/chipmunk, whatever it is munching on his acorns!Oooh the cheeky monkey!cute!)So as I take a break from my work this evening to watch some bizarre Dispatches documentary on TV before I fall to kip, I was foraging through my press file and came across a piece that emerged in the aftermath of last Fashion Week, which I never really gave a mention!But, its a hot random one...and I like it, despite the fact they failed to credit me which it mega annoying (eww I just used the MEGA word...oh, it must be time for bed....)but anyway....it gets in on the same issue as the likes of fellow Geordie Cheryl Cole...so that's a bit of a corker!!!!Ch Ch Check it out below!!!It's pretty small but, BOTTOM RIGHT!!!!
y, pajamas are calling me....
Love and Loungewear...
Emma xxxx

Ride with the Notion!

A short while back Notion magazine ran a feature on me as well as use the pink Lederhosen from my AW08 collection in a phantasmagorical photoshoot styled by the AMAZINGLY TALENTED Miss Alexis Knox.......and I even got my name on the front cover alongside Gnarls Barkley (prior to preening their pants!) and Crystal Castles!!!Yay Yay Yay!!!!

They ran an interview with me covering everything from the inspiration behind my work, wrestling near on impossible fabrics through the sewing machine, rats in India and daydreaming of a boyfriend who worked on the Waltzers at the fairground as a permed haired teenager!!!eeeeeeeeeeeeekkkers!
And of course, more re
cently, the Hipster's Handbook as produced bi-annually by the guys at Notion, went to print...and they said some very nice things...and unleashed our "Under the Stairs" shoot!Treatsicle!!!
You can see it below!!!!
Love and Pajamas Emma xxx

Sunday 20 July 2008

Snap Snap Phototime!!!!

Yo Yo Yo!!!
Here is a sneak preview of a shoot styled by Sade Bowen in which my robes were recently used!Wooooop!!!!!!!!Looks hot!!!

Love and Mushrooms!

Emma xxxx

Cruising Northern Territory!!!

Byker...Byker...Byker Grove!
I hopped on the train (Yes, with an action packed copy of "That's Life" in hand!!!) and headed North for a few days break to see the family up in Newcastle....which was very nice!!!I had a big catch up with people, ate lots of yummy food, had a "Long Way Down" marathon which has left me now desperately wanting to visit Africa and I have also fallen in love with Ewan McGregor...I want to whiz through Malawi on a motorbike with him!YES PLEASE! My brother also enlightened me on Guitar Hero...which is my new favourite game...I don't usually like computer games...but now I like to think that I'm an expert!!!
I also took the time to visit all of my old craft haunts which gave me the chance to pick up some extra special bits and pieces for the new collection....amazing rhinestones, fluffy pom-poms.....twinkly spangly glitter....and lots of it!!!
I also visited my FAVOURITE place....the Sunday flea market at Tynemouth!!!Yayyy!!!!

My little brother! Tynemouth Priory!!!

Love and Brown Ale,
Emma xxxx

Thursday 10 July 2008


Rosie centre and OH!who are these 2 "hunky" specimens?!It's Richard Kellett and Thomas Sels!

Howdy Trotting Ponies!!!!
Wednesday night saw a charity fundraising bash thrown by the lovely Rosie! The event was held at 'Ande de Bridge' in Shoreditch to raise dosh for http://www.bottletop.org/; an Aids awareness foundation that raises money through fashion and music to provide education in areas including South America, India, Africa and the UK...
Bottletop bags are made by various co-operatives worldwide that benefit from the proceeds....even PARIS HILTON has one...as seen on the Bottletop website!
....so, whack out your credit card and make a purchase! Super hot brand, Fenchurch, have even got involved and churned out a range of ethical accessories and t-shirts!

The event was an all involved fundraiser meets fashion networking extravaganza with a silent auction....one-off vintage Levi's, portraits of Snoop Dog by Blaize Simon and a phantasmagorical Charlie Le Mindu haircut were all up for grabs!
Niyi churned out some tunes on the decks and models were strutting around wearing Emma Bell.....all in the name of a really good cause!!!To get more info you can go to www.bottletop.org....or if you are feeling generous and would like to crack out a donation...go to www.charitiestrust.org/charities/Bottletop/index.html
Love and Bottletopssss
Emma xxxx

moi and Thomas... Jobot and Mel

Inspiration timeeee!

Hi there muffins!!!!

People keep HOUNDING me about what has been inspiring me and the latest collection that I am currently working on....whilst I'm not going to whip out all of my special sketchbooks and journals, because ermmm it just doesn't work like that....I thought I would let you in on a few things that I'm either loving, hating or generally musing about....
Usually I take a trip to somewhere that really really excites me....the sort of all- consuming adventure where you spend months re-reading the Lonely Planet,the sort of trip that the anticipation stops you from sleeping at night and gives you a wave of uncontrollable excitement every time you think of it(I usually unleash a squeal or some weird vocal extravaganza at this point!)...I figure you cant run on empty, and besides what's the point in th
at, it's tedious and dull?....I would find it really hard to just sit and draw whilst looking at the same 4 walls, in fact I would hate it....even a trip to somewhere mundane like the corner shop gives you something, so it doesn't necessarily mean you have to trot off on some exotic holiday but, it's important to surround yourself in happenings! Whenever I'm away I keep little journals....well actually they end up really fat and bulbous because I collect EVERYTHING, bus tickets, sketches, biscuit wrappers, newspaper clippings (yeah, not like I can read them, but often the writing is pretty!), postcards....I also write in them at least once a day....I love my journals, they mean the world to me and are full of the beginnings of so much inspiration!!woooo, how cheeseville did that sound?!!?
ch ch check them out.....errmm if you have a library card you may come to my bedroom and borrow them, I might make you a cup of tea also....errr no!
I also read...a lot...right now I am re-reading "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath as it is one of my favourites as well as William Goldman's "The Princess Bride" because I've been enjoying indulging in sick fairy tales recently and it has sharks, zoo's of death, miracle men and a hot bit of romance in the fire swamps....
That is all...
Love and Peanuts (just because the woman next to me is eating them!)
Emma xxx

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Popcorn at the Ready!!!

Lights, camera, action...oooooohhh, get your popcorn and hot date ready....or those divine nachos with the pungent processed cheese on top, if that's what floats your dingy....Yes Please!
For those of you who did not yet get a chance to sample the delights of my first ever catwalk show back in the day at Graduate Fashion Week.....well here it is....if you whip out your 3D Specs you can almost feel like you're there....as Chaz Michael Michaels would say "Capture the Dream"...quote Blades of Glory....best movie ever....totally irrelevant hmmmm.....
Love and Family pack of Doritos,

That's a MAP...cherry cakes and knitting!!!

Yesterday saw a very productive knitting session with myself, my fabulous assistant Katie and Gina 'Mother With a Twist' at the needles of steel!!! It involved a copious sprinkling of glitter, cheese sandwiches and cherry cakes (picked up from the corner shop...the man in there likes to call me "Dollar" because of my tarnished necklace that I acquired from a fancy dress shop...he is creepy and weird)! I'm not going to give too much away as that will spoil the surprise of what's in store for SS09...so hold your horses...patience is a virtue, don't you know!
Gina came with a very special gift....I have an obsession with maps....I love them....so imagine my ear-piercing squeals of delight when she presented me with a gourmet map-print pillowcase!!! It's the best thing in the world!
Strangely, this isn't the only piece of map-orientated paraphernalia that I have received in the past week.....my chum Jobot unleashed a corker of an inflatable globe which can either serve as a beach ball or a nice bit of decorative art to transform any old room or shack into an all singing, all dancing, el rustico, worldly paradise!!!
Check out the goods....

Love and Mapssssssssss,
Emma xxx

Sunday 6 July 2008

Hola Guapa!I love a good prezzie!!!!

My special housemate, Miss Alexis Knox, returned from an exoticcco trip to Barcelona from where she unleashed our sparkling "Under The Stairs..." photoshoot as featured in Notion Magazine's "Hipster's Handbook" at the trade show "Bread and Butter"....I was in anticipation of my promised, Spanish-tastic, gift and JEEEEEZZZZ.....I was not disappointed at what was found lurking in the classy Airport carrier bag she was grasping in her sun kissed mitts.....YES, it was indeed a Spanish Senorita soft toy...complete with actual BOOBS...!!!it looked more like it had come from a souvenir shop in Benidorm so I think she may have secretly squeezed in a super sophisticated trip in the dead of night!!!!
I love my prezzie so much it has been allowed a special, prime spot on my "Shelves of Inspiration" in my bedroom sitting (or should I say Flamenco dancing!!!) beside my other sentimental trinkets and treasures....including my Whitby Lucky Duck that my parents sent me, Cornelius the money pig from Shanghai that I haggled like a bitch for...my Russian Dollies and Pauline The Prosperous Owl from Rajasthan that I was majorly ripped off for...
I love my present so much (thanks to infinity Alexis!) I'm going to call her Gertrude, although that doesn't sound very Spanish.....
Love and Sangria,
Emma xxxx

Do you want a HOT NEWSFLASH?!?!

Woooooooooo FLASH GORDON!!!!If you want to be the first to hear all of the juicy updates, hot gossip and TROPICALLLL news.....then you can sign up for my delicacy of a newsletter! You can trot along to http://www.emma-bell.com/ and pop your details into the box on the right hand side....and it will be just like Christmas....bundles of delights brought straight down your glitter encrusted chimney by myself rather than Santa Claus!!!ewww that sounds ridiculous, but I kind of like it....it's like as my Mam would say "Did you eat dictionary pie for dinner???"...
Love and Grapes....
Emma xxx

Tuesday 1 July 2008

SKIRT in Newcastle....YES PLEASE!!!!

Hello there twinkletoes....
Just wanted to let you in on a little gem of a boutique up in my hometown up north, Newcastle....SKIRT!!! Stocking some hot, juicy brands including Antipodium, Paul and Joe Sister, Ella Moss, Tatty Devine, Les Nereides...and of course EMMA BELL!!!Woooooo!!!!

Trot along to Highbridge where you can get your hands on my SS08 collection.....
0191 221 0234

Britain's Next Top Model!!!

A combination of my SS08 and AW08 "Emma Bell for Irregular Choice" collections were recently taken on a jaunt around the UK with "Britain's Next Top Model" tour sponsored by Vauxhall Tigra, in association with Living TV.In an initiative to introduce the work of contemporary emerging designers which included myself, Gavin Pierre-Medford, Vicky Martin, Jacob Kimmie.....the ethos was to showcase to a more broad scale audience and create a greater awareness in cities around the UK including London, Newcastle,Manchester and Birmingham....It was a great opportunity for me to be able to show as some of these are places where my "Emma Bell for Irregular Choice" collection is stocked so it was good exposure and also the chance for local press to be introduced to my work on a more accessible level!
That is all!!!
Love and Sparkles
Emma xxx